Get Connected

TDI Parent Connections Meetings

One way to get support from and connection with other parents of gifted children is to join us for a TDI Vermont Connections meeting. These meetings, which are held every month or two, are casual (currently virtual) social gatherings for the parents of gifted children, as well as for professionals who serve gifted children. We connect to share information and resources, and to build a supportive community of people invested in the well-being of gifted children. At least one professional in the field of gifted children/education joins the meeting, usually Dr. Carol Story, Lucy Bogue, MA, and/or Dr. Trevor Tebbs.

Please share this information with anyone you feel may benefit, as all interested adults are welcome. For more information about the TDI Vermont Connections meetings, write Sara Wilkins at

TDI Vermont Connections on Facebook

The Talent Development Institute has a public Facebook page at Talent Development Institute. We also host and moderate a private Facebook group for families and educators of gifted children in Vermont and beyond. Members and TDI staff ask questions, share news, provide resources, and much more in an effort to help other gifted children succeed. Head to the TDI Vermont Connections group to request access.